Thursday, October 18, 2012

Welcome To Heavenly Bodies 1

Heavenly Bodies 1 

This ia a wonderful welcome to Heavenly Bodies, a blog about eating, cooking, and creating wonderful meals with a heart-healthy plan.  I am following Dr. Esselstyn's book, How To Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, after having two strokes that really got my attention. Next month, November 28, I will celebrate my first year of living life as a VNO (vegan - no oil ).  It was difficult at first as my body got off high doses of sugar, salt and fat. Couldn't believe how many products had sugar in them.  I am now a label reader.... Another scary adventure into what I was putting into this HB for fuel.  I don't read so many labels any more because much of what is on the plate is fresh and local produce. 

My Benifits (so far)

  1. I have lowered my cholesterol 264 to 195 without Statin drugs which my body cannot tolerate. 
  2. Lost 50 pounds (ok 49.6). Have 6.3 pounds to meet the doctor's number.
  3. Have opened my life to a slew of delightful flavors from fruits, veggies, legumes, pasta and beans.  
  4. Learned new cooking styles to substitute for the oil.  New flavors to give natural sweeteners besides processed sugar. 
  5. Had a super report card at the dentist's with a no buildup on my teeth with  8 months between cleanings. 
  6. Appreciated the solidarity from my husband, family and friends as I started and now continue with this journey to stay on this planet a little longer and a lot healthier.
  7. Met many like minded eaters and will never forget the half hour talk with Dr. Esselstyn who called to tell me that if I wanted to become healthier by this plan, he wanted to be on my team and gave me his phone number to contact him if I had any questions. Wow. 
  8. Started a newsletter for people who were interested in my process and wanted recipes I have come up with as well as recipes I have altered to fit the eating plan.and lots more.....
Putting all this down makes me realize how delightful this adventure has become.  Thank all of you for your wonderful support. So here we go with the first Heavenly Bodies blog.

Welcome to Heavenly Bodies 1 

Best eating.   Elin.  


  1. Gorgeous blog! Sending blessings and boatload of encouragement.
    The message sings clearly and joyously!! Love and WhooHoo for this next step!!! - Connie

  2. Thanks Connie. It is people like you who give me the courage to explore this world. Blessings and thanksgiving for you. Elin

  3. Congrats on your one year anniversary. Rose Ann.

  4. Thank you so much, Rose Ann. Like sharing recipes with you. Love you, Sister. Elin.
